This is my first blog post about my 2011 Nissan Leaf. The reason for this blog is simple, to keep a record of the severe software issues I'm having with my vehicle. The car is reporting an incorrect range and I'm getting an average of around 50-60 miles range a day. I've taken the vehicle to Nissan once already and they had the car for almost a week where they just reset some software parameters. Once I received the car back, less than a day, the bugs started coming back again.
With this blog, I'm going to document the range that I got and also how much power the leaf consumed to charge the battery. Every time I have about 1-2 bars left on the meter, the car would take around 13-15 kwh of electricity to charge it to full.
So is it a problem with the battery not reporting correctly or the software misinterpreting the battery? Did it really only need 13-15kwh or it needs more but the car won't charge beyond that?
The Nissan dealer told me the car is not using more than 80% of the battery capacity and that's why I'm seeing such low range. I hope to be able to get some feedback from other Leaf owners.